Youth Involvement in Crime

Youth involvement in crime Youth is the strength and pillar of our society. They are the future of our society. But nowadays, the involvement of our youth in committing crimes is quite disturbing. These days the news of theft, burglary Read More

Events of the Month – February

On the last day of the month, we at Patna Diaries would like to do a quick recap of the major events that were held in Bihar. Every day a lot of activities happen in various parts of the state. Read More

Transport options in Patna

Nowadays, everyone is busy in their hectic schedule, some are engaged in office, school or college work and making projects or assignments. Just because of all these reasons people are forgetting to enjoy their life. So, here I’m going to Read More

Did you lose your Instagram followers today?

Did you lose your Instagram followers today? I woke up in the morning and saw a substantial decrease in my followers count. For me, it was just 30 followers, but I was feeling sad about it. After a while, I Read More

Valentine and Youth of Patna

Valentine week and youth of Patna Valentine is all about love and spreading love. Love is in the air during the valentine weeks. Valentine’s Day is a  significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romantic love in many places in Read More