Are we getting proper Sex Education?

Are we getting proper Sex Education? I still remember my mother sitting on the bed, waiting for me to wake up. The reason was my entering puberty.  I was totally unaware of the concepts like puberty, period, menstruation. Much later, Read More

Craving Pataniya – Exploring Sabzibagh

  If you were following us on Instagram, then you must be knowing that Patna Diaries recently started an initiative to unite the Patna Food Bloggers Community. Till now, we have a group of around 20 enthusiastic and active food Read More

PD Marvel of the Month July

Appreciation is necessary. In the time when everyone is so self absorbed and indulged in their own self-promotion, I think it is a necessity to appreciate those who are doing their work with full dedication. Coincidentally this month, the Marvels Read More

Personality Development Workshops; Do they really develop our personality?

We have all heard the term – Personality Development Workshops. Well, what I want to talk about in this blog is how that word – Personality Development is misused.   What is Personality? Personality is a Latin word derived from “persona”. Read More

Invest time in learning these languages

Invest time in learning these languages    Exams are over. Summer holidays are going on. All play with no food for thought, will make you a dull person, no? So, I thought why not list some languages that you can Read More