Is Winter coming to an end?
I always believed that the cause of the winter season is the distance between the sun and earth. The Earth is farther from the sun during winters and closer to the sun during summers. But, recently while reading some article, I came to know it is a misconception.
The truth is that Earth is furthest away from the Sun during the month of June when it is summer in the northern hemisphere. It is the Earth’s axis that causes winter. The direction of the hemispheres is towards the sun for half of the year and away from the sun for the other half. When the direction of Northern Hemisphere is away from the sun, then the rays of the sun are less direct, and that part of Earth is cooler, which causes the winter season.
Recently, we celebrated Lohri and Makar Sankranti which marks the end winter. But, my question is, “Is winter coming to an end?”
When I was a kid, it was December that was the coldest. It used to be so foggy in December first week only that frequent cancellation of flights were there. Even our school holidays were scheduled according to that.
Now, I feel it’s January when the actual winter starts. Schools keep extending their winter holidays. The school reopens around 10th January now.
The other thought which comes to mind is that this year, we have still not seen any cold wave spell yet. Normally four to five spells are observed in December and January. The maximum temperature did not plunge below 20 degrees throughout the whole winter season this year. There have been only a few foggy mornings. So, does winter has more in store for us?
According to the Indian Meteorological Department, Bihar has witnessed a warmer winter season this year. Experts also feel that this might have adversely impacted the winter crop.
All of this, then makes me ponder the same thing, how much is our earth’s weather changing by every passing year due to global warming?
With these two questions in my mind, I am actually now looking forward to Spring, when things will become brighter and days will become longer.
Do let us know your thoughts about this year’s winter – Was the winter cool enough?
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Patna Diaries is a Unit of Creative Buffs
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