I would like to start the blog by wishing you Happy Independence Day! It has been 72 years since India got its independence. That is a really long time! We have been independent in a lot of sense since then, Read More
This month we are dedicating PD Marvels of the Month to people who connect with others. The art of connecting to people is a powerful one. They are the ones who communicate their own ideas and thoughts to the public. Read More
Difference between live-in-relationship and marriage Let’s begin with understanding the concept of live-in-relationship and marriage institution: Live-in-relationship is a living arrangement, in which an unmarried couple lives together, in a long term relationship that resembles a marriage. Couples prefer to cohabit Read More
Before I start my ranting on why people have an opinion on everything, I would like to put a disclaimer that I am not against freedom of speech. Everyone has the right to speak what is there in one’s mind. Read More
क्या आप जानते हैं कि हम और आप, लगभग पचास प्रतिशत से अधिक महिलाएं, घरेलू हिंसा से पीडि़त हैं। है न चौंकाने वाला सच – लगभग हर दो में से एक महिला को घरेलू हिंसा झेलनी पड़ती है। घरेलू हिंसा Read More
Lately, I was thinking of the change in the education system from the time I did my schooling in the 1960s to the present times. So, here is my view on schools in Patna – Now and Then. In 1960s Read More
A lot of conversation is happening on Twitter over the latest movie of Shahid Kapoor – Kabir Singh. As soon as the women group started pointing out the problems of the male protagonist in the movie, people started calling them Read More
What Kids Want to Be When They Grow Up? I was sitting and wondering one day, why children across the globe have similar aspirations for the career they want to be in. Some of the favourites among children are astronaut, Read More
Myths about Blood donation Blood donation is a very noble act that is celebrated every year on 14th June to thank the donors for saving lives. Why should we donate blood? Bihar is known as a blood deficit state in Read More
Are we getting proper Sex Education? I still remember my mother sitting on the bed, waiting for me to wake up. The reason was my entering puberty. I was totally unaware of the concepts like puberty, period, menstruation. Much later, Read More