What is World Music Day? Today is World Music Day. If you are wondering that is this a new fad that people are following these days, then you are wrong. Celebration of World Music Day, also known as Fete Read More
The children of Bihar are once again in the grip of heatwave and Chamki fever in the summers. The Chamki Fever also know as Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) outbreaks occur annually in May-June in Tirhut division in Bihar. From Read More
Gone are the days, when people used to do door-to-door marketing or rely on just advertisements on TV and print media. Majority of people are now on the digital platform thanks to our smartphones. We have seen a drastic shift Read More
PD Marvels of the Month – June The time has come when we, at Patna Diaries, celebrate a few people every month who are doing substantial things in their respective fields. If you are a regular on Instagram or Facebook, Read More
Invest time in learning these languages Exams are over. Summer holidays are going on. All play with no food for thought, will make you a dull person, no? So, I thought why not list some languages that you can Read More
Negativity around us When was the last time, when after someone did wrong to you, the first thought that came to you was forgiving him/her??? You don’t have to answer this to me but yourself, and I am pretty sure, Read More
All of a sudden if you are seeing memes of #JCBkiKhudai flooding your social media feed, then Congratulations! you’ve just witnessed the joke on height of joblessness people have. Some thing or everything can be a meme, but from time Read More
How is honking affecting us? I reside on the main road in our city, Patna. It used to be a residential area but now has turned into a commercial one with schools and eateries around. You know the thing Read More
The new low of High social media influencers The month of April is an influencer in itself. Last month, we, at Patna Diaries, experienced a series of notification of anniversary of one or other big social media influencer. In April, Read More
Why do men get the bill? We talk so much about gender equality and then we want to believe that we have changed a lot and gender equality does exist in our society. But, some of my past experiences Read More