Before talking about the responsibility of media. Let us first see, what media is? What is media? Media, the plural form of medium, are the communication tools used to store and deliver information. It includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting Read More
The children of Bihar are once again in the grip of heatwave and Chamki fever in the summers. The Chamki Fever also know as Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) outbreaks occur annually in May-June in Tirhut division in Bihar. From Read More
Invest time in learning these languages Exams are over. Summer holidays are going on. All play with no food for thought, will make you a dull person, no? So, I thought why not list some languages that you can Read More
Negativity around us When was the last time, when after someone did wrong to you, the first thought that came to you was forgiving him/her??? You don’t have to answer this to me but yourself, and I am pretty sure, Read More
All of a sudden if you are seeing memes of #JCBkiKhudai flooding your social media feed, then Congratulations! you’ve just witnessed the joke on height of joblessness people have. Some thing or everything can be a meme, but from time Read More
How is honking affecting us? I reside on the main road in our city, Patna. It used to be a residential area but now has turned into a commercial one with schools and eateries around. You know the thing Read More
Do people still buy a dictionary? When was the last time you referred to a print dictionary? I don’t remember doing it after 2011, that is when I bought my first smartphone. And, when was the last time I actually Read More
Encourage a Young Writer Day Well, one may argue that why we have so many days to celebrate different things! And, all these days are the big corporate’s strategy to commercialise and gain from consumers. But, we live in the Read More
Lok Sabha Election 2019 is scheduled for the month of April-May. It is our chance to elect the authorities who will run our country for the next 5 years. But, to vote and exercise the right given to us by Read More
April Fool’s Day To what extent is a prank, a prank? Why do we want to make a fool of others? April Fool’s Day is here. Frankly, now it’s just another day of my life. But, there used Read More