We, at Patna Diaries, celebrate people who are doing substantial work for Bihar. We love to call them Marvels of the Month. It is our duty to appreciate others who put so much for hard-work for the betterment for the Read More
14 सितम्बर, 1949, को भारत की संवैधानिक सभा (constituent assembly) ने हिन्दी भाषा को और नागरी लिपी (Nagri script) को भारत की राजकीय भाषा (official language) के रूप में घोषित किया गया। 1953 के बाद से हर वर्ष हिन्दी दिवस, Read More
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. It is an awareness day observed on 10 September every year. The aim is to reach have a commitment and plan of action to prevent suicides. However, every second 40 people commit suicide worldwide. Read More
Every year 8th September is celebrated as International Literacy Day. Its main focus is to improve world literacy rates and work on literacy challenges around the world. Literacy is one of the main components of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Read More
Today is Teacher’s Day. We all have a special teacher in our life that we will always remember. Here is a story of a small boy whose life changed because of a good teacher. जब वे स्कूल के अपने पहले Read More
It looks like the new developing Patna has been treating pedestrians like Dalits. In the fast pace growing lifestyle of Patna, we see numerous new public centres, like cafes, parks, malls, and shopping arcades. New traffic rules and road development Read More
Are we still human enough? Every time something violent happens in our country, the uproar is huge. And, it should be. We live in a democratic country with freedom of speech, so if something wrong happens, it’s our duty as Read More
आप सबों को लघु उद्योग दिवस की बधाई! आज लघु उद्योग दिवस (Small Scale Industry Day) मनाया जा रहा है। इसी से स्पष्ट है कि लघु उद्योग हमारे देश की अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हैं। औद्योगिक अर्थव्यवस्था के विकास Read More
It is National Sports Day. Today is the birthday of the legendary hockey player Major Dhyanchand Singh. He used to play for India from 1926 till 1949 for the National team. Dhyan Chand is a legendary figure in Indian and Read More
What are small scale industries? Small scale industries play a very important role in the development of a country. They are privately owned small corporations that have limited resources and human resource. In this case, the manufacturing, production and rendering of Read More